Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Meat The Truth

Meat the Truth

This film was in response to Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth", a film on greenhouse gas emissions and the effects it is having on climate change. Gore's film failed to mention the largest contribution to greenhouse gases, livestock and meat production. The man who won a Nobel Prize blamed climate change on transportation and industries and this is what everyone believes, this is the only problem they see. However livestock production causes 18% of greenhouse gases.

This film draws attention to how meat production is damaging our environment, our climate, and is unethical. Livestock production is the number one cause of global warming and the number one most environmentally damaging practice.

 This is for many reasons. The first simply being that cows and other animals produce a lot of gas in their stomach and ruminants. Gases such as methane which are far more potent than the CO2 Al Gore only talked about. A dairy cow produces 8000-10000L of milk every year and 500-700L of methane a day.

 In America alone there are 10 billion animals which are being raised to be eaten. The enormous amount of animals in the world need lots of feed, in particular soy, corn, and other cereals. Brazil has become the number 1 producer of soy, but has been cutting down the amazon to do so.

 50% percent of wheat production and 40-50% of other cereals go to feeding livestock. It takes 7 kg of grain to make 1 kg of beef. This raises the question as to if it is worth it. 1 billion people in the world are obese, these are the people who eat excess meat, and 1 billion people in the world are starving, these are the people whose homelands are exploited to feed rich people's beef.

 Being a vegetarian uses one tenth of the amount of resources the average American does. This helps prevent forest lose, greenhouse gas creation, animal cruelty, and unneeded health risks.

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