Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Green Washing

Clean up your act, not your image!

Green peace defines greenwashing as "the cynical use of environmental themes to whitewash corporate misbehaviour."

 Car companies filming commercials in forests, oil companies advertising the money they have invested in wind power, green logos for nearly all new products, recycled paper used to print off a plastic toy's instructions.

 These are all examples of greenwashing, and they are all problems. They make it incredibly difficult to find businesses genuinely interested and dedicated to helping the environment. They also work as propaganda to make people buy into their products and trust them.

 But by buying these products people are actually supporting deforestation and by trusting them they are commending the companies for the means at which they produce their product. A company may save ducklings from oil spills but at the same time they as spending millions to lobby in the government for less fracking regulations.

 Greenpeace created StopGreenwash.org to educate people which companies are committing eco-crimes or throwing their environmental initiatives out of proportion so that they may make educated decisions and fight against these corporations.

Greenpeace created StopGreenwash.org to educate people which companies are committing ecocrimes or throwing thier environmental iniatives out of proportion so that they may make educated desisions and fight against these coportations.

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