Monday, 12 December 2011

Light Pollution

The effects on wild life

Light pollution is a very recent issue that has also developed with the industrial revolution. It is negatively affecting all types of species; mammals, birds, insects, and even trees.

 Mammals are attracted into cities by light and are often disoriented.

 Birds are also confused by the light. Many diurnal species will not rest because they anticpate dawn and will actually exhaust themselves chirping all night. Nocturnal species are suffering as well with their feeding habits are disturbed. Migratory birds will fly at night and crash into buildings mistaking the lights for the moon or stars.

 Insects more than other species are attracted to light. They will circle lights for hours and either be burned by the light bulb or exhaust themselves so they cannot mate, or even to the point of death. Glow worms and fireflies are also having further trouble trying to find a mate therefore their numbers are dwindling.

 Finally trees cannot adjust during seasonal variations while under artificial light and therefore do not lose their leaves and can die. This removes a home and ecosystem so that insects, birds, and mammals suffer even more.

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